Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Nightmare

The nightmare was harsh. I awoke--startled--into the darkness of my bedroom, my damp hair clinging to my neck. It was just a dream. Relief. Thank God it was just a dream. Sinking back onto my pillow, the haunting situation threatened to creep back over my mind...

I showed up to work. Late, as usual, but I sensed something was different. For one thing, there was a giant body of water stretching across the Media Center. A sea breeze whistled through our selection of feature films and rattled through the racks of CDs. But that wasn't it. Somehow I sensed more.

The familiar energy of my boss's presence infiltrated my reception and I instinctively twitched my head toward him. Too fast. (Idiot!) It had only been 3 seconds and already I looked unnatural and foolish.

As my stylishly dressed boss rowed up to me in his gondolier, I was surprised by his smile. He was happy to see me, but after I stuttered out an overly-enthusiastic "hullo!", his smile twisted into a sneer.

Oh no! What did I do?

Then it hit me. The sea breeze was cool and chilled me all over. I was naked. Naked at work because I had forgotten to don clothing, and now my boss (who already didn't like me) is seeing me naked and sneering.

Frantically, I reached for the nearest bit of foliage--next to the de-magnatizer. I was hoping for a nicely sufficient palm leaf, but instead I pulled a dreadfully thin tangle of vines that had been scarcely clinging to the closet door.

Oh no!

My boss rolled his eyes and continued rowing through the isles of VHS, mercifully allowing me to regain my dignity.

As I scrambled about, I heard the distinctive sharp ting of the bell behind me. A patron!

After analyzing this dream from a lucid state, I can successfully delve further into my introspection, in which I can delineate the manifest and latent content of my warped psychology.

It's a bit disturbing, but mostly depressing.

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