Thursday, October 15, 2009

Three people.

I can name three people, in particular, who make me a better person. Allyse, one of my roommates pushes me to be more responsible. I really don't know how to put it, other than if it weren't for Allyse, I would be a lot more messy and careless about my behavior--where I put my shoes when I come home, when I wash my dishes, when I pay my bills... Sometimes I get frustrated because I really don't feel like it's my fault when I don't have time to do something, but Allyse is there to remind me that I could organize my time better, and that I can make time. I think I am finally learning some lessons I should have been open to a long time ago. I am trying really hard to be a better house mate and a more responsible adult--it's just that sometimes I don't even have a clue...Allyse shows me that I can always be better and I really, really appreciate that.

My acting colleague, Lizzy, also makes me a better person. I can't even say how many times she's picked me up when I was sinking into despair. She has boosted my self-esteem when I felt so bad about myself that I wanted to jump off the side of a cliff. The funny thing about Lizzy is, she is the most talented actor I know, and she tells me that she's honored to work with me. Just last night, I was having a minor panic attack about a directing project due the next morning. I left a desperate message on her phone, not expecting her to angelically appear behind me 4 minutes later, saying "don't panic." She puts things into perspective for me and has talked me through a number of things I am eternally grateful for. Lizzy is helping me to face my future career with courage.

The third person I want to appreciate today, on this tiny sphere of the internet, will remain anonymous. He told me once to picture somebody that I really respected and admired. Once I had the person in mind, he told me that I could be better than that person. Something to strive for. I didn't think I could ever do that--I'd never even thought about it, but he told me to do it.
So here I am. I am dreaming about the possibilities in my life. I have no idea what I am going to do this summer, but it might be something incredible. It will be my last summer before I graduate...and from there? Who knows. But I'm going to find out.

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