Friday, October 2, 2009

I can feel it in the air

Today I am thinking about the magic in the world. I know that I'm young and there's a lot for me to learn, but sometimes I see something or experience something and I realize that I've been viewing the world in the wrong light. It is not a different universe, but it is a few degrees off and it's a different shade than I previously conceived. Tonight was another performance of my play, "Sun, Stand Thou Still" and I experienced a transcendence that I had yet never felt. I think it might have had to do with a full house (very responsive) and several people in the audience who are close to me (or I had a history with). It was just strange. After the show, when I came out covered in blood (you have to see the show to understand) my roommate Allyse hugged me and cried.

The experience of tonight left me feeling stunned. Two other encounters a bit later turned my world a couple more degrees on its axis, and my breath has been taken away. I'm not really sure what's going on; I am the same person I was before but I can feel how I am different than I was yesterday, and the previous day. It's strange to be aware of the growing pains in the midst.

I am not sure what is going to happen tomorrow or what I am going to do with my life. Everything is a mystery and every now and then I can sense this feeling of magic. The sensation rides on the air, and it is moving me somewhere. Perhaps it is possibility. Maybe it's God.

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