Monday, October 12, 2009

My Dream Of The Earth

I want to see the crumbling ruins of ancient Peru, and the vast desert sands of Egypt. I want to touch the pyramids--that loomed mysteriously above even Cleopatra and her people, already the dusty relics of antiquity. I want to set foot in the poisonous jungle of the Amazon, the saturated rice patties of China, and the sit in the shadow of the skeletal Collusion. One day I will be attacked by a giant squid in the waters off the Land of the Rising Sun and sacrificed on the savage alters of the Aztecs--a wreath of flowers about my head--the only virgin in sight. Maybe Shakespeare will cast me in his play--Lady MacBeth, or Ophelia--I'll be the first women to perform in Renaissance England, before the Queen. As I dig my feet into the sun-soaked sand of Pangaea, I will watch the plates of the Earth shift--a rumbling deep below--and sigh as Africa and South America separate from their embrace to reach longingly across the Atlantic. Australia drifts off by itself, alone for eternity...while Europe and Asia cling in a violent lock in the middle east, forever bloody. I shall sit alone, watching with calm serenity, until I turn to stone, and the tangle of roots and vines--arteries of the living earth--grind me to dust. I vanish.

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