Saturday, September 26, 2009

Sometimes Using Protection Doesn't Help.

Pop-up adds are like unwanted suitors. They are deceptive and sly, and sneakishly invade the lives of unsuspecting females. A half hour ago, I performed a virus scan in attempts to assure the safety of my Internet activity. But as soon as I entered the realm of the Internet, it was like I put myself on some kind of shady market. A pop up add had the audacity to present itself as an anti-virus warning. It falsely clothed itself in evocative language, meant to stir the heart of an unsuspecting, naive maiden. "Your computer is at high risk! Hurry, download me and let me protect you! Lend me access to the secret of your files and I shall be valiant and battle the many viruses that beat down your defenses!" And I, being a trusting maiden with little experience, began to take the hand of the sly gentleman pop-up add, trusting his intentions were pure. Luckily, my father came to my rescue on his noble telephone and waged verbal battle against the trickish deceiver. One-two, one-two, and through and through! My father's abuses made it clear, that the so-called protector of P.C. merely wanted to get into my files... He gave me instruction to oust the scoundrel, then with a click of the phone, he was off. I turned my eyes, ablaze, upon the trembling add, and loosed my venom upon the restart option, bidding the fool a vicious adieu. Thank God for my honorable and timely-telephoning father. He is my hero.

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