Friday, September 4, 2009

The primative regression of the non-meat-eater

I would like to caution the vegetarian from becoming too carnivorous with fruit. It seems that, after vegetating in a meatless state, the novice will regress to a primitive humor in which certain aggressions will become manifest. My lengthy field research culminated fifteen minutes ago when I saw my sister (a vegetarian of three weeks) stab a plumb to death, and, with juice dripping through her fingers, she whispered her intentions and promptly masticated the thing. I have also witnessed her in the produce isle of the local grocery store, stalking about with a hostile look in her eye. The particular look that she exhibits is akin to the cave man as he hunts his mastodon. She peers creepishly over the cartons of red delicious, seeking out the timid avocado. When she spots her prey, she delicately advances with bated breath. When she is no further away from the quarry as I am to this computer screen--she lashes out. One swift, powerful snatch, and the avocado is her's. I have observed this with squashes as well as avocados...and occasionally bean sprouts. Oh, the fickleness of the bean sprout.

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