Sunday, December 5, 2010


I did my best, it wasn't much
couldn't feel so I tried to touch
And even though it all went wrong I stand before the Lord of song
with nothing on my tongue but Hallelujah...

The days rolling over into heaps of sand
notes play music, sweet and biting and beads of blood
like rubies in my body a body of jewels and worth and jewels and worth

Don't touch me.

Kneel before the Lord of Love and grovel and beg and uncover yourself from shame and fear and pain and tears and kneel before the Lord of Love.

And when it's right there will be color and maybe butterflies and maybe we'll hear the flutter of angel wings like beautiful turtle doves and we'll all rise with the sun and bathe in white light and sing the sweetness in our souls and drink nectar from buttercups.

And then you can touch me, maybe, lightly, with your finger tips. And that will be all. And we'll watch the white roses wilt and die.

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