Saturday, January 2, 2010


There is a room
that exists.
It is filled with love.

It glows
Its light is soft as fire
Its flame as light as air

The flame
it dances silently
inside its frosted shrine

Satin shadows flicker bright
between the glimmering strands of light
And then stand still
and do not move
suspended golden light.

Please rest a while.
And do not move
While rapped up in this love.
Your broken heart
Your aching flesh
Are welcomed here to heal.

It is too much
to bear the rest
without rest and peace

A piece of peace
a shred of light
amid the outside's tear

A tear or two
A drink or two
Both comforts--but which is truth?

Truth is which
is here - exists
Invisible and seen
The seam that holds
this world in full
Connected souls though scarce

Please don't be scared
I know it hurts
You're broken but you're here

You've come to Me
this room of love
It's here that you can be.

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