Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Apocalypse Now

It is strange, but for some reason, the apocalypse keeps coming up in my life. I hear about it on the radio--a multitude of Christians who listen to JQ 99 believe that Christ is coming again, soon (not a unique disposition, as Christians have been expecting such a coming every generation since the crucifixion), movies are being made about it, but most creepishly--I've been having dreams about it.

The first one was steeped in the book of Revelations. I dreamed that the world was in chaos, and amid the blunder and bustle, a man was sacrilegiously handing out large portions of the sacred host. "Who wants more bread?" Crumbs were everywhere, and arrows seared past my face as assassins attempted to shoot down the Pope. I grasped at the arrows--catching them in mid air, and breaking them in half. Despite my best efforts, the Pope was brought down by a splintered piece.

A couple nights ago, I dreamed the earth was being wrecked by giant hurricanes and tornadoes and my family was forced to flee our home. We left in the van with only a couple of our possessions. Not long after, my parents vanished, and Erika, Ansel and I were forced to act as parents to our little brother, Weston, and a baby that I found. Hiding in the confines of an abandoned house, we shrunk before multiple explosions--staying away from shattering glass and falling dishes. We were exhausted with terror--then finally, after a cataclysmic explosion that pounded the earth to its very molten core, the terror dissipated--burned away like fog by daylight. We rose to the window and beheld a calm ocean where there had once been a highway, and across the ocean was the most beautiful castle I'd ever seen. High towers, silver stone walls, sparkling mist, and a moat of clear sea. In an instant, we blew over the water as feathers in a breath of wind, and clung inside the castle in perfect contentment and shining joy.

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