Thursday, August 27, 2009

Script Analysis Fun

I am always fascinated by how much I can get out of a script after applying some different forms of analysis. Currently, I am in the rehearsal process for the first Aquinas show of the season, "Sun, Stand Thou Still." I have lost count of how many times I have read it, but every time I do, I discover something new and seemingly obvious. The play is steeped in Old Testament allusions, and just a couple weeks ago I realized the stark comparison between the protagonist's seemingly endless quest through the desert--and the forty years of desert-wandering in the book of Exodus. (I've had the script since May...) I can not wait until I hear the audience reaction to this play. The piece is conducive to the stream of consciousness of the viewer because of its richness in symbolism. Between the five cast members, there were at least three very strong (and very disparate) ideas about what the play was about. Some of my colleagues did not pick out nearly as many theological references as I did--one even saw the play are purely political. Needless to say, I am overly excited for this show to get going. $4 student tickets!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I Feel Pretty Safe Where I Live

My cozy little home in Grand Rapids, MI flourishes with the spirit of study and excitement as the semester begins. The four of us (all honors students) cook our own nutritious meals on our gas stove, we keep the place tidy, and we always remember to lock our doors at night. For the most part, the biggest thing I have to worry about is being able to get through the assigned reading for my rough, 18-credit course load. I am given a different perspective, however, when my homepage (BBC News) informs me of the ugly events happening to other human beings on the planet. "Dozens Killed in Afghan Explosion" was the major headline, today. The video footage was short but evocative: smoking corpses of over-turned vehicles, the alarming flash of firetruck lights, armed men passing through the rubble of crumbled houses in which 40 lives were lost. There seems to be quite a bit of confusion regarding what actually happened--but it can be no coincidence that the violence shook Kandahar after the results of the presidential elections were made public. After reflecting on such things, I recognize how lucky I am to curl up securely in my loft bed tonight--without having to worry about being killed in a politically motivated explosion--but my dreams tonight may be haunted.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Inspired by my Intro to Journalism class...

This is my very first entry on my blog, and I feel like a whole new person! Now, in addition to calling my self "student" or "actress" or "martial artist," I can now include the impressive rank of "blogger." I imagine blogging on the world-wide-web to be an excellent outlet for all of my personal drama and issues--I could update all my classmates about what's going on in my dating life or back at home. Luckily, I won't do this. Instead, I shall blog responsibly.

Yours Truly,